SEND information

Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND)

Who is responsible for SEND provision in school?

At St George's we have two SENCos, Nicola Cook and Michelle Johnson. They share all SENCo responsibilities and work collaboratively as a team. Michelle and Nicola can be contacted directly via the e-mail address below or by calling the school. 


What do I do if I am concerned about my child's progress?

Talk to us. We have an open door policy so please do make contact with your child's class teacher or directly with the SENCO to share your concerns. You will be kept up to date about your child's progress throughout the year via parents evenings, SeeSaw and conversations with your child's class teacher. Michelle or Nicola will get in contact with you if your child is receiving SENCO support in school.

 We follow a graduated response to any concerns raised by either parent, child or class teacher - please see flow chart below for a breakdown of this response. 

Where can I find support outside of school for my child?

FIND newsletters are produced by Lancashire County Council each term and are full of information about local support networks for children with SEND. Click here to be taken to the webpage. 

Lancashire SEND Information, Advice and Support Website

Lancashire SEND directory


What can St George's offer my child?

Please see the links below for our policy and local offer. However, please book in for a parent show around where you will get a feel for the school and give Michelle or Nicola a call who will be happy to answer any questions that you have. 


In addition to the information found on our website, parents should also refer to lancashire's local offer by clicking on this link