Morning Supervision

Following recent requests, and having consulted with legal services, the MUGA can be reopened for use before school from Monday 19th June.

Following recent requests, and having consulted with legal services, the MUGA can be reopened for use before school from Monday 19th June. Parents and carers are reminded that there is no supervision on the school site before 8.45am and that they are responsible for supervising their child until this time. Children should not be left unattended anywhere on site before 8.45am, and this includes the MUGA. Use of the MUGA is strictly on the basis that parents are responsible for ensuring their child is appropriately supervised and there will be no staff supervision. If it comes to our attention that children are being left unsupervised or with unsuitable/insufficient supervision then we will have no option but to lock the MUGA in future without further discussion, or consultation. Parents and carers are reminded that there is a breakfast club available if they are unable to supervise their child until 8.45am.