W.E. 12.1.2024

Happy new year! Happy New Hooks ! My thanks and appreciation to every single member of staff for their admirable efforts they go to to turn children on to education. It makes a massive difference..... 

Class 5 had a very exciting morning becoming ‘parents’. We received a very special delivery of trout eggs which which are now responsible for! We hope to see the eggs hatch into alevins in the next couple of weeks. We are monitoring the water temperature twice a day and then we will feed and look after them once they have developed into Fry. What a wonderful opportunity to learn about life cycles live in the classroom!! Neil and Steve presented a wonderful, interactive introduction to the class, discussing the dangers to trout in the wild and why this scheme is increasing the trouts chance of survival to adulthood from 5% to 75%. We are very excited to rear our ‘babies’. 🐟🐟🐟🐟 We will keep you posted and look forward to releasing our fish into the River Yarrow in a couple of months time.

Class 5 will be so excited this morning! Where has our classroom blasted off too? Who has landed here? Let’s find out together 🚀🪐🔭🛰

Fosterfield residents really enjoyed watching teh Chritmas Nativity - thats great news x

Some of our Year 5 and 6 children from St George's and from Mossy Lea had a fantastic time at a Bench-ball Festival at Albany this evening.

They all played incredibly well, especially with it being their first time playing the game. They worked amazingly as a team, became more confident throughout their matches and finished with huge smiles on their faces.

They were also voted for by other schools and awarded with the School Games Value - Passion certificate. What a great achievement!

Well done to each and everyone of them!

What an exciting morning we had in Year 6 launching our new English unit of Macbeth! First thing this morning we discovered a crime scene in class… a throne, dagger, outline of a body, bowl of water, a ripped up map & a cape 🤔 Year 6 turned into detectives and came up with some amazing predictions as to what had happened and who could possibly be involved!!

Class 4 came into a crime scene this morning. We have bagged and examined the evidence and we think we know who the culprit is! 🐺🐷🐷🐷

And of course, it all started with a Panto...