
A spiritual day today - its hard to define spirituality to adults, let alone kids.... but what a lovely atmosphere in school..... shoulders relaxed, mindful breathing, thoughtful prayer.... in unison. 

The children will be off timetable all day and split into groups before sharing in different experiences including an art task, physical activity and a time for reflection and response.

We hope this day will be fun, give opportunities to share friendship, team building skills, communication, cooperation and allow time for reflection.

On Monday afternoon, Class 7 began to make their sculptures in Art. First, the children made a tin foil figure in the pose they wanted and then used papier-mâché to strengthen their sculpture. A fun and messy lesson!

Well done to year 3 and 4 - tremendous effort, admirable achievement. What superstars our athletes were. A well deserved 1st🥇 place in our heats tonight. Fingers crossed it’s enough to give us a place in the final on the 9th Feb.