W.E 22nd March

Lets check out what been going on around the school thsi week.... 

The chicks have arrived!! There is much eggs-itement as we await their hatching tomorrow or Thursday - keep your eyes on our Youtube Channel for live streams:

Chicks 19th March


Chicks 19th March

Watch as our chicks begin to hatch!

A brilliant morning for Class 5 🐟

We proudly released our 99 trout ‘fry’ into the River Yarrow with the help of our friends from the Ribble Trust. We returned to school and took part in a session on water safety, learning what to do if we find anyone who has come into trouble in water. The children took part in role play to help them remember vital life saving skills. Finally, the children investigated the water samples we had brought back from the river, for invertebrates that our class trout will now be able to hunt for. We used classification keys to identify and name the many invertebrates we found. We learned so many new facts about the river ecosystems and I am sure the children will have been excited to tell you all about it.

NIce to see a proper sport being played in school.... well in Year 6!

Class 6 bookworms. They really enjoyed browsing the books in the book fair this afternoon!

Class 6 working like scientists! We were observing the characteristics of different types of soil. They saw some interesting things under the magnifiers!

Class 3 have been looking at lifecycles in RE and linking the new life to the Easter story. We have created our own version of “The Very Hungry Caterpilllar”.

Class 5 enjoyed a wonderful walk to Duxbury Woods on Thursday. The children looked for woodland animals, their characteristics and the different reasons why the woods are so important to these animals. The children will use this information to innovate their own characters and version of the story The Great Kapok Tree, based in Duxbury Woods 🌳🌳

A belated hello from sunny Chorley. We were there last week as part of St George’s annual special prayer days. We had lots of amazing discussions with the children about Respect with underlying themes of promises and forgiveness. The quote that stood out for me was a year 6 boy who said. “The part of the story for me is where the people of God came out of slavery because before people know God they are like slaves and when they find and trust God they are free.