St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Y5 Bikeability

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place between 9:00am and 3:00pm on 08/03/2021

Year 5 Bikeability Group 1 

Letters emailed out by Mrs Leap to parents 

Children should come to school with their bike on the Monday morning and leave their bike outside their classroom.  This will be kept safe during the day and kept in school overnight.  On Tuesday, children with bikes will be dismissed via the junior playground.  Children are to wear their own clothes for the 2 days of their course.  It will go ahead whatever the weather (unless it too dangerous) so please dress appropriately to be outside for the day.  

Children from all of year 5 will have this opportunity but will be kept within their class bubbles during the sessions.  

The consent forms go straight to SSP and children cannot take part if a consent form is not completed.