St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Year 1 Worship

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place between 9:00am and 10:00am on 10/03/2022

This is for all year 1 children, including those in class 4.

After you have dropped your children off at 8:45, please make your way round to the hall through the door on the junior yard. You are welcome to wait in the hall until Year 1's worship starts at 9am, after the children have been registered. Due to limited space in the hall, we ask for only 2 adults per child to attend. The worship will be recorded on facebook live and available to view after it has finished.