St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Year 5 to Church (drop off)

Full CalendarSchool Calendar

This event will take place between 9:00am and 11:00am on 07/12/2022

Year 5 will be dropped off at Church to attend the Wednesday service. They will be staying at Church to rehearse their Christmas Production and will walk back to school in time for lunch. Please ensure your child has appropriate shoes and a coat for walking back to school. Please let school know if your child would usually attend Breakfast Club and you cannot make other arrangements.