WE 19.4.2024

A busy, yet fun and exciting 1st week back - my thanks to you all, and welcome back.
Girls you were fab. Your attitude was enviable - you were keen to win, yet cheered- -genuinley cheered when we came 2nd! Enviable.! And yes, it was a litle cool and damp wasnt it!!!!
In class 5...
Wow! Firstly, a huge thank you to our parents for the extremely generous donations of rainforest fruits, it really did look like the Amazon rainforest in Class 5 today. We couldn’t have done this without you.
I am so proud of the children for trying so many different fruits and many exotic ones that they haven’t tried before, they even drank fresh coconut water- they were amazing!
The children enjoyed preparing all of the different fruits, creating their own recipes and blending the fruits to make their smoothies. Each child, then taste tested the 5 different smoothies and rated them on the appearance, taste and texture. Some were a hit, some not so much! Well done class 5!
Year 2 enjoyed their visit from Lancashire Fire & Rescue this afternoon, they learned all about fire safety at home, planning their home fire escape routes, how to safely act in the event of a fire and also ways in which they can help to prevent fires in the home. The children enjoyed taking part in role play activities and they have brought information home to share with you.
Class 5 had a lovely visit to church this morning. They looked at the features of the church, saw the newly restored paintings that are soon to be returned to their position behind the high altar, and they also each got to ring the Ellacombe church chimes . The children helped Father Mike and Lloyd with their sermon and had lots of fabulous answers to their questions. Well done Class 5
Year 6 had a great session with the fire service this afternoon, learning about road safety ready for their journeys to high school.
Year 5 came into school this morning to find some unusual clues about our upcoming unit of work. They came up with some great ideas ready to start our ‘Highway Man’ unit centred around The Highway Man by Alfred Noyes.
My thanks to all staff for their tremendous attitude, dedication and hard work - they really are an amazing bunch - quite unique in my opinion.