
As we conclude another week......
Class 7 have been working hard on their persuasive adverts for the Eurovision Song Contest which starts tonight! They read them to Class 8 this afternoon and I think their persuasive toolkit features definitely worked!
Parents of Class 7; have they persuaded you?
Year 6…. A testing time, but you’ll be fine! As your T Shirt for next week says - Yes I Can.
Say it, repeat it, believe it.
Lot's of people around the country will be wishing all 11 year olds "good luck" next week! What utter nonsense kids. You do not need luck. You have all the skill, and knowledge within you to be great next week. You do not need any external factors to help. How disempowering! All you need next week is you, because you have got this. And you can do it! You’ll do great. I promise you that. I look forward to hearing your stories about what you thought about them… were they easy, were they tough…. We’ll find out together next week. Let’s look forward to them, and when you shut your eyes…. Visualise success! Enter next week kids determined and confident, knowing that God is with you, as you learn care and share through work, play and prayer.
I can’t wait to hear all about them next week, everyone is right behind you.
And of course—you have your ‘yes you can’ t shirts to wear all week. Because quite simply, yes you can…. I promise.
And I can’t wait for my breakfast with you!