End of Term 3a

As we close our penultimate term of 2024.....
Over at church.....
What a wonderful way to celebrate Pentecost this morning! Crafts , songs , outdoor games , picnics and an inspirational visit from Ace , one of the original gladiators!
Thank you to all who organised, helped and came along to celebrate with us , it was especially lovely to welcome some of our “little steps” children and families too!
Class 5 have enjoyed a busy afternoon following instructions. They have all taken part in a carousel of craft and problem solving activities in which they had to follow steps in the correct order. The children have already noticed some language features such as ‘bossy verbs’. This is to kick start our new literacy non-fiction topic on instructions! Well done!
Year 6 are enjoying their dominoes in the sunshine after a fabulous week! "Yes I can!" says the t-shirt... And wow, year 6... You have worked so hard this week!! We are so proud of you. Thank you to everyone involved in SATs week. Looking forward to celebrating tomorrow with Dominos Pizza!
Class 5 have enjoyed finding out all about Pentecost today.
They have decorated cakes with a flame and made cards to put in the pews at church on Sunday (which is Pentecost Sunday).
Class 5 ‘being authors’ of their own Robot Goes Bonkers story. Including subordination for time, expanded noun phrases, questions and exclamations to create exciting, descriptive narratives
A huge well done to those children taking part in the tri golf competition today. You were all fantastic and enjoyed yourselves on all the stations. I think we have some budding golfers amongst us! Thank you parents for your support too
Class 7 have been reading and listening to a range of poetry this morning as we began a new English unit. The children chose their favourite poem and explained why they chose it.
Class 6 have worked brilliantly on writing their Limerick poems. We visited Class 5 this morning to read our poems to them.
Our Limericks worked so well because we really made Class 5 laugh!
Class 7 have been working hard on their persuasive adverts for the Eurovision Song Contest which was ;ast week' amid they are down to zoom La Garenne School in Sitzerland to find out what the winning vibe is! They read them to Class 8 this afternoon and I think their persuasive toolkit features definitely worked!
Parents of Class 7; have they persuaded you?