
I love my job - this is my 23rd year as being a headteacher, and despite everything I still love it.... here's why
There's still news from last week's Multi Faith Week...
Multi Faith Week has been a fabulous success! In the Year 6 classroom every junior child has explored the precepts of Buddhism and learnt how a Buddhist could live these in their everyday life.
Last Tuesday Prags worked with Class 8 on some traditional dances We hope you enjoy the clips on the Facebook Page.
And in other news this week.
What has happened in class 5? IT's normally so slick.. Oh dear Class 5.. something terrible has happened in our African classroom! There has been a buffalo stampede!!! Can you follow the clues to find out which animal is responsible for causing it?
What a great way to introduce our new literacy unit
Class 4 has a lovely morning at church. They really showed themselves off and did some great exploring of the features of a church!
Year 6 had a brilliant first aid session on Monday. They learnt the steps to follow in an emergency, what to do if someone was choking & had a go at CPR on the dummies!