
Here's school seeing it as a kid, doing it for the kids....
Year 6 Spanish
It was fantastic to teach Year 6 Spanish, yesterday. The whole year group showed great enthusiasm and lots of skill as they listened to, spoke in and wrote in Spanish. They showed lots of determination and confidence and no little skill when it came to translating words they had never seen before.
Year 6 parents - head over to Seesaw to see how much Year 6 have shown themselves off!
Next week, we'll continue to learn about la rutina diaria - our daily routine.
Muy buen trabajo chicos! (Great work everyone)
Year 3 and 4 Art Club began this week and we found out what our project will be. We will use sculpture techniques to make a 3-D portrait of a king or queen using cardboard, art straws and masking tape, inspired by the work of artist, Darrel Wakelam.
This week, we focussed on proportion as we sketched some portraits. Next week, we’ll start working with the cardboard….
In that regard, thank you for all the cardboard you have sent in. We have plenty of boxes now but softer, bendy cardboard (such as the Amazon envelopes made from card which books often come in) would still be greatly appreciated.
Anyway, look at the fantastic art the children produced this week. It was a pleasure to watch them using their observation and sketching skills.
Year 5 are studying a dance unit in PE. In our first lesson we concentrated on movement as individuals, using our creativity to bring our favourite super heroes to life through dance,
In the second, lesson we thought about our real life heroes and use dance and movement, in groups, to explain what makes them special to us.
It’s been great to see all the children really embrace the unit and give their best!
Art Club continued this afternoon with us beginning to make our portraits. We have created the frame and started to make the face. We’ll carry on next week and make 3-D facial features. Already, the group’s attention to detail and creativity is showing. Well done, everyone!
Class 6 had a brilliant Maths lesson in their work on 3D shapes. They used spaghetti as they edges and marshmallows as the vertices as they constructed a range of 3D shapes.