News from the language hub of Chorley!

Haciendo bien con los idiomas en St. George's
Réussir avec les langues à St. George's
Erfolgreich mit Sprachen an der St. George's
Flying Hi with languages - French is our 2nd language, but Year 6 are studying spanish with Mark. Even im learning German, a language I've never studied before in my life....
Year 6 learned how to make the first person plural present tense in Spanish, today. We learned that, in this person and tense, verbs will end -amos, -emos and -imos. Over the coming weeks we will be using our skills to write about our daily routine…but for now, as Rafa Nadal would say…. VAMOS!
Art Club continues with everyone making fantastic progress. Today, we started to make the faces for our portraits using folding and scoring techniques to create a 3-D sculpture. We also made the neck and shoulders so that they fit perfectly into our frame. We’ll carry on sculpting next week too but we’ll also starting getting the paint out. I’m very impressed by everyone’s perseverance and skill.
What an exciting morning we had in Year 6 launching our new English unit of Macbeth! First thing this morning, we discovered a crime scene in class… a throne, dagger, outline of a body, bowl of water, a ripped up map & a cape Year 6 turned into detectives and came up with some amazing predictions as to what had happened and who could possibly be involved!!
Year 3 and 4 kids, and the headteacher, loved glow dodge ball!