St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Admissions - The facts. Its all new for 2025


Church attendance is once a month for 18 months for criteria 2 and 3 - (start going to church July 2023 for the 2025 intake)

Church attendance is once a month for 12 months for criteria 6

Read the policy for 2025

I am delighted that you are considering joining us here at St. George's!  It's a great school, full of great kids, and amazing staff - supported magnificently by tremendous families who are a huge part of the success of the school.

Whether you be a perspective new parent, or want to remind yourself of the Ethos at St George's, this page is of use to you Additionally, please feel free to ring me at school should you have any additional questions.  At St. George's we do not have a formal open day at school - we never do.  I abhor them to be honest. It's just an unrealistic show case. I want you to see the school as it is, not a show the school puts on.  This year, in addition to pre arranged tours, we have a dedicated web page that will give you all the information you need, and contains a virtual tour of the school in action. Click here to be taken to that page.

All Saints' and St George's church carry equal weighting for 2025

Any parent considering applying for a place for their children at St. George’s is strongly advised to come and see us. Thats the best way to get all the information you need 1st hand, so that you make make this important decision with all the facts at your fingertips.  I am aware that choosing a school for your child is important; spend as much time as you like viewing the website, and watching all the videos that are on here, speaking to us.... we're here for you. As indeed we would be for the next 7 years, should you choose to join us. 

You can attend any church as defined in the policy.

If parents are applying for a place in Reception, using Church Worship as the admission criteria, you should, in the first instance complete the Local Authority form as detailed below. You should then complete, and return to school, the school’s optional form (available from the booklet, and from this page) which enables parents to provide evidence on their Church attendance, getting this signed by a representative at the church you attend regularly. 

Every church has there own way of recording church attendance.

The card system is used by St George's only, and whilst this provides evidence for St George's, you do not need to get this card filled in at your own church. If you attend other churches, please check how they record church attendance. The may just use the form below

If you are attending St Georges or All Saints' you can get your card signed at any of the following services;

Sunday. 9.30am St Georges, 11.00am All Saints'  or 4pm All Saints at "The Closer" service

Wednesday. 10.00am St George's

Thursday 10.30am All Saints'

Saturday 6pm St George's Church Hall, The Vigil Service. 

It's up to you which service you attend.  However the Saturday 6pm, and the Sunday at 4pm are deliberately family focussed, and less formal - this may appeal to you. 

The application Process. 

If you wish to apply for any place in reception simply complete the Local Authority form - available on line by clicking here.  

If you are applying for a place in reception, and have a church reference simply complete the Local Authority form - available on line by clicking here, and return proof of church attendance to us. St George's use a signed card system, other churches will have their own system. It maybe you simply get your vicar to sign the form below, or in the admissions booklet 

If you are wanting to apply for a place in the school in any other class, or at any other time - simply ring the school for more details. If, following a phone conversation, you wish to make a formal application for a mid year school transfer, or to start in a different year, please complete the form below, and return to school.

If the year group you require is full, and you wish to appeal please click here to be taken to the LA appeals website. The appeal forms that you need can be downloaded below, and are returnable directly to school

The  Determined Admissions Policy is available below. Please note that following our recent expansion, the admission number is now 45. 

You do not need to attend church to get into the school, although it does give you higher criteria!

For example, in 2023 reception class wasn't full, we had 2 places! The number of people who said, "oh, I didn't apply because we don't go to church...." That said church attendance, at any church, gives you higher ranking. 

I look forward to receiving your application; and thank you for your interest in St. George’s. Whichever school you choose for your child I would like to take this opportunity to wish you, and your child every success and happiness in the future.

In accordance with the LA Admissions Policy, reception pupils are admitted in the September prior to their fifth birthday. 

Important Dates

Click here to go to the Local Authority's most up to date information on admission and appeals.