Class 7
Spring 1
May I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! I hope you managed to have a peaceful and restful time over the festive period. The children have settled back into school this week and have made a superb start to the new term. They have come back enthusiastically and are eager to learn and apply their knowledge and skills. Once again, I was extremely impressed with the homework that was handed in and uploaded onto Seesaw at the end of last half term. It was clear how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Keep it up kids and thank you parents and carers for your continued support.
We are very lucky to be having Forest School sessions this half term led by Miss Glover on Wednesday afternoons. The children will be split into their year groups for the sessions. Please make sure you have read the message I sent on Seesaw before Christmas for full details. Dates for each year group are below.
Y3-8th, 15th and 22nd January
Y4—29th January, 5th and 12th February
Autumn 2
Welcome back everybody! I hope you’ve had a peaceful and restful half term and have been able to recharge your batteries. The children have already made a fantastic start to the new half term and have produced work they should be very proud of. I was extremely impressed with the homework that was handed in and uploaded onto Seesaw at the end of last half term. It was clear how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Thank you and keep it up!
The children have two visits this half term. The first is on Monday 18th November when we have The History Squad coming into school for the day to deliver a workshop to kick start our History topic on the Romans. The children are more than welcome to dress up for this day as a Roman if they wish to do so. The second is when we go to St George’s Church for the morning service on Wednesday 20th November. Children are to be dropped off at church at 8:45am and we will walk back to school in time for lunch.
Autumn 1
Welcome to Class 7!
I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Class 7! For those of you who may not know me, I am Angela Makepeace and I will be your child’s teacher for the next academic year. Alongside myself, Anne Fothergill and Amie Bolton will be supporting us in Class 7. Anne will also teach the class on a Thursday morning. The children have made an incredible start to the year and have settled into our classroom routines brilliantly. I have really enjoyed getting to know the children so far and I know this year is going to be amazing! We have a superb year ahead of us and I can’t wait to begin exploring the topics we have lined up for the year with the children.
Ukulele lessons will begin on Thursday 12th September and the children will be taught by Sean Bennett from the Lancashire Music Service. A permission letter will be sent home to allow your child to use a school ukulele and to bring it home to practice with. Please return this to myself.
The class curriculum map can be found below and this will give you all the information you need to know about what your child is learning. It also identifies our community link with Chorley Help the Homeless Charity, with whom we collect food and toiletry donations at certain times of the year. We will also continue to be pen pals with a school in the USA which we started last year.
PE day for this first half-term is Tuesday. The children can come into school wearing their school PE kit.
If you do have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to call school or contact me via email.
Angela Makepeace.