St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Class 7

Summer 2

Welcome back to school everybody! I hope you managed to have a peaceful and relaxing half term break, enjoying the glorious weather! The children have settled back into the routines of school superbly and continue to do the little things well. They are a fantastic class and continue to show me every day how brilliant they are through their behaviour, resilience, confidence and determination and by being excellent role models to the younger children in school. I cannot ask for a better start to our last half term in school!

We have a busy few weeks ahead in school including Multi Faith Week next week and the KS2 Sports Day on 26th June (am). Additionally, a Sports Focus Week also begins on 1st July. The children will also have their ukulele concert, with more details to follow. As with all events, further details can be found on the school calendar so please check on there regularly.


Summer 1

I hope you managed to have a relaxing Easter break and have been able to recharge your batteries. I want to begin by acknowledging the superb confidence and determination the children in Class 7 showed when rehearsing for and performing their Easter production in church and Easter worship in school. It was clear how proud they were to show off their hard work over the half term.

The children have already made a fantastic start to the Summer term, showing enthusiasm and excitement towards their new topics and have already produced work they should be very proud of. I was extremely impressed with both school work and homework that was completed last half term. It was evident how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Keep it up Class 7 and thank you parents and carers for your continued support.

This Curriculum Newsletter will tell you all about the units and areas of learning being covered in this first half of the Summer term. All the children will be learning the same topics (except for Science when the children will split into their Year group) but will cover the specific year group expectations for Year 3 and Year 4. Our topic this half term is called ‘Are we still actually part of Europe?’ which links to our Geography unit.


Spring 2

I sincerely hope you managed to have a relaxing and well deserved half term break. The children have settled back superbly into school this week and have made a brilliant start to the new term, showing resilience, confidence and determination. They have come back enthusiastically and are eager to learn and apply their knowledge and skills. Again, I was extremely impressed with the homework that was handed in and uploaded onto Seesaw at the end of last half term. There were some fantastic models and diagrams explaining how the digestive system works and sketches in the style of sculptor Henry Moore. It was evident how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Keep it up Class 7 and thank you parents and carers for your continued support.

This half term will see Year 4 begin to think about the St George’s Easter Service at Church where all Year 4 children will lead the school and the church community in a retelling of the Easter story. Year 4 children have already received words to learn and it makes all the difference if they are supported in learning these at home. Dates for rehearsals at church and confirmation of the service are on the web calendar. Our Year 3 children will also be producing a school worship based upon Easter.

The rest of this curriculum newsletter will tell you all about the units and areas of learning being covered in this half term. All the children will be learning the same topics but will cover the specific year group expectations for Year 3 and Year 4. The exception to this is Science where the children will now split into their year group. Our topic this half term is called ‘Did you know you’re drinking dinosaur wee?’ which links with our Geography topic on Rivers and Mountains.


Spring 1

May I start by wishing you all a Happy New Year! I hope you managed to have a peaceful and restful time over the festive period. The children have settled back into school this week and have made a superb start to the new term. They have come back enthusiastically and are eager to learn and apply their knowledge and skills. Once again, I was extremely impressed with the homework that was handed in and uploaded onto Seesaw at the end of last half term. It was clear how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Keep it up kids and thank you parents and carers for your continued support.

This curriculum newsletter will tell you all about the units and areas of learning being covered in this first Spring half term. All the children will be learning the same topics but will cover the specific year group expectations for Year 3 and Year 4. Our topic this half term is called ‘What lies underneath my skin?’ which links beautifully with our Science and Design Technology topics.


Autumn 2

Welcome back everybody! I hope you’ve had a peaceful and restful half term and have been able to recharge your batteries. The children have made a fantastic start to the new half term and have already produced work they should be very proud of. I was extremely impressed with the homework that was handed in and uploaded onto Seesaw at the end of last half term. It was clear how much effort and creativity had been put into the work produced. Thank you and keep it up! This curriculum newsletter will tell you all about the units and areas of learning being covered in this second Autumn half term. All the children will be learning the same topics but will cover the specific year group expectations for Year 3 and Year 4. Our topic this half term is called ‘How did Rome get its name?’ and is linked to our History and English units.

The children have two experiences this half term. The first is a trip on Tuesday 7th November to the Liverpool World Museum (have you completed the permission slip on Forms?) and the second is on Monday 20th November when we have The History Squad coming into school for the day to deliver a workshop to kick start our History topic on the Romans. The children are more than welcome to dress up for this day as a Roman if they wish to do so. 


Autumn 1

Welcome to Class 7!

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Class 7. We are a mixed Year 3/4 class and, for this academic year, will be taught by myself, Angela Makepeace.  Supporting us in Class 7 this year is Carol Fairhurst, who supports us every morning and when we split into our separate year groups for Spelling and Maths lessons. Carol also teaches the class on a Thursday afternoon.

The children have made an incredible start to the year and have settled into our classroom routines brilliantly.  I have really enjoyed getting to know the children so far, and I know this year is going to be amazing! We have a superb year ahead of us and I can’t wait to begin exploring the topics we have lined up for the year with the children. All the children will be learning the same topics but will cover their specific year group expectations for Year 3 and Year 4.

The class curriculum map can be found below and this will give you all the information you need to know about what your child is learning. It also identifies our community link with Chorley Help the Homeless Charity, with whom we collect food and toiletry donations at certain times of the year. This year, we are also hoping to make links with a school in the USA and become pen pals with them.

PE day for this first half-term is Tuesday. The children can come into school wearing their school PE kit. 

If you do have any questions or queries, please don't hesitate to call school or contact me via email.


Angela Makepeace.