St George's

Church of England Primary School

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn,
care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Be determined and confident,

as God will be with you* as we learn, care and share through work, play and prayer.

(*Deuteronomy 31:6)

Class 9 and 10 (Year 5)

Summer 2

Welcome back! We hope that you have all managed to have a relaxing and peaceful half term break. The children have already settled in so well and have produced some wonderful work. We have a busy half term ahead as the count down to the end of the year begins.

This half term has started well and continues to be busy. Mrs Fothergill and Mrs Turner will continue to teach the class on a Thursday afternoon. They will be teaching RE, PSHE, French and Reading.  

If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please don't hesitate to send either of us an email. We will be more than happy to help! Our email addresses are and .

Thank you for your continued support!

Summer 1

Dear Parents,

Welcome back! We hope that you have all managed to have a relaxing and peaceful Easter break. The children have settled back in really well and have produced some fantastic work. Well Done Year 5!

This half term has started well and continues to be busy. Mrs Fothergill and Mrs Turner will continue to teach the year group on a Thursday afternoon. They will be teaching Art and Music. Please note the change of PE day. Children should come to school on Wednesdays in PE kit. PLease see the homeowork menu and curriculum letter for the following half term below.

If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please don't hesitate to send either of us an email. We will be more than happy to help! Our email addresses are and Thank you for your continued support!


Spring 2

Welcome back! Once again, thank you for your continued support over the first half of the academic year. Last half term was absolutely brilliant! We could not be more impressed by the children’s continued attitudes of determination, perseverance and positivity. We were blown away with all of the homework that was brought in at the end of the last half term, especially the Viking shields, jewellery and the models of mythical beats. It was clear to see how much effort had gone into producing work of such creativity and of such a high standard. Well done Year 5 and keep up the great work!

The next half term is filled with opportunities and experiences centred around our topic ‘When does Science Fiction become Science?’ stemming from our learning of Earth and Space in Science. Much of our work across the curriculum will relate to this. Please note a change to our PE day this half term. The children will now have their PE session on a Thursday afternoon, as well as their Swimming lesson on a Friday afternoon.

If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please do not hesitate to send us an email. We will be more than happy to help!

Our email addresses are t.norris@st-georges.lancs, and

Thank you for your continued support!


Spring 1

Happy New Year to you all. We hope that you had a wonderful time over the Christmas period. Year 5 have quickly settled back into their routines for this term. We were really impressed by all of the homework that was brought in at the end of the last half term, especially the models of the Oracle Bones and the Science Investigations. It was clear to see how much effort had gone into producing work of such creativity and of such a high standard. We also wanted to repeat how incredibly proud we were of the children for the Christmas Production. They were absolutely phenomenal! Well done Year 5 and keep up the good work!

Our topic this half term is ‘What did the Vikings want with England?’ stemming from our learning of the Anglo Saxons and Vikings in History.  Much of our work across the curriculum will relate to this. To begin our topic, The History Squad will be visiting us on Monday 15th January and will be leading some exciting workshops. Your child is welcome to come to school dressed as an Anglo-Saxon or Viking on this day. More details will be sent via Seesaw.  If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please don't hesitate to send us an email. We will be more than happy to help! Our email addresses are and Thank you for your continued support!


Autumn 2 

Welcome back everyone! We hope that you have all had a peaceful and restful half term break. We are so pleased with how the children settled in last half term and they have produced some fantastic work. We cannot wait to see the work that they produce in the half term to come. We were really impressed by the homework that was brought in at the end of last half term and the work that was posted on SeeSaw. A lot of effort had gone into the work and it was of a fantastic standard. Well done Year 5 and keep up the great work!

The curriculum letter (below) will inform you of what we will be covering in Year 5 during the second half of the Autumn term. Our topic this half term is ‘How has China changed the world?’ which stems from our learning of the Shang Dynasty in History. Much of our work across the curriculum will relate to this.

Year 5 are also preparing for their Christmas production. Your child will have their own part to play and will have a number of lines to learn. Please encourage your child to practise and perform their lines. We are planning on having the performance at church on Tuesday 19th December at 7pm. Please put this date in your diaries. Details regarding costumes will be sent out in due course.

If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please don't hesitate to send an email to either of us at or Thank you for your continued support!


Autumn 1

Welcome back everybody and welcome to Year 5! What an incredible start to the new academic year we have had. It’s great to have everybody back in and the atmosphere around school is electric. We do hope you managed to have a brilliant break over the summer and managed to recharge your batteries. We would like to take this opportunity to welcome you and your child to Year 5! The classes have made a fantastic start to the year and have settled into our classroom routines brilliantly. We have really enjoyed getting to know the children so far and together we know we can make this year an exciting and successful one. We are really looking forward to the year we have ahead of us and we can’t wait to begin exploring the topics we have lined up for the year with the class.

Our teaching assistants, Mrs Hurst and Mrs Turner will work alongside us in the classroom on a daily basis supporting your child’s learning. The children we will be working very closely across the classes throughout the year, coming together in the afternoon, at times, for some subjects. Mrs Turner and Mrs Fothergill will teach Year 5 on a Thursday afternoon and will deliver RE, Music and French.

The curriculum letter, which can be seen below,  will inform you of what we will be covering in class during the first half of the Autumn Term. Our topic this half term is ‘What was so revolutionary about the Industrial Revolution?’ and much of our work throughout the different subjects will relate to this. Below is also a copy of our curriculum map for the academic year 2023-2024. 

If you have any queries, concerns, or simply a question, please don't hesitate to call or email us or any member of the senior leadership team. We will be more than happy to help! You can send an email to or